Palatschinken | Frittaten Recipe
In this recipe we show you how to make Palatschinken, which is kind of an Austrian pancake or crepe. We use it for Palatschinken filled with cheese or jam and also as Frittaten (noodles) for a beef soup!
200g all purpose flour
2 eggs
400ml milk
1 tsp salt
Combine flour, eggs, salt and about half of the milk and whisk to combine. Add more milk till the batter is slightly thinner than pancake mixture.
Melt a little bit of butter with some oil (the oil is to prevent the butter from burning) in a pan.
Pour a thin layer of batter to the pan and cook until golden, then flip and cook other side until golden.
Place on a plate in the oven set to around 50 degrees in between some paper towels while cooking the remaining batter.
Cut it in stripes if you want to use it for Frittaten. Use it as a wrap and fill it with cheese or ham. Another option is to spread your favorite jam on it and eat it as dessert.